Claire A. Denny
By day, I’m a mild-mannered museum worker, laboring for truth, justice, and item-level location tracking. By night, I’m an obsessive crocheter who falls asleep thinking about charts and colorways and stripe patterns.
When I first started crocheting, I spent a lot of time buying into the myths about what crochet could and couldn’t do (and worse, about what I couldn’t and couldn’t do). Several uninspired scarves and a disastrous ripple afghan later, I decided that was a boring attitude to take, and I’d have a lot more fun (and produce better work) if I just made what I wanted to make and figured it out as I went along. Several years down the road, I now love crochet more than ever, and I’m so excited to be along for the ride as it goes in new and interesting directions.
My rock band will be called the Yarn-Bombing Hooligans. I don’t expect that I will survive the zombie apocalypse.
Holla Knits Accessories 2015
- Wood You Be Mine? Mittens
- Holla Knits Accessories 2015