Crafty Boo & Artsy Pea

Crafty Boo & Artsy Pea

Hi, I’m Leona and my two dogs are Boo Radley and Sweet Pea (the obvious inspiration for the name).

You can also find me on Instagram as @boo.pea

Crafter-Painter-Foodie-Dog Lover ~Enjoy the little things in life~

I consider myself always a student and love to learn new things. Perhaps that is why I have multiple WIPs at the same time!

original designs

Resourceful 龍
Crafty Boo & Artsy Pea's Ravelry Store
Crafty Boo & Artsy Pea's Ravelry Store
  • Scuta
  • Crafty Boo & Artsy Pea's Ravelry Store
A Herd of DemoDogs Socks
Crafty Boo & Artsy Pea's Ravelry Store