Ellie Smallcombe
I am Ellie Smallcombe and I design a range of items for a range of ages, whatever takes my fancy really!
I Knit, crochet and sew, spin and hand dye yarns under the name of Tyddyn Bryn all from my smallholding in deepest darkest West Wales!
Hop on over to Facebook and join our little community!! https://www.facebook.com/groups/294175888074928/
The main blog is on www.tyddynbryn.com, and it charts the progress my husband and I have made building/restoring a smallholding in West Wales. Our livestock etc etc!
I used to use www.elliefantsdelights.wordpress.com as my creative gardening blog, but after the birth of my first son in April 2016 I decided to archive that blog and concentrate my efforts on the one!
I also hand dye yarns, spun locally from my own sheep! these can be found over on Etsy https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/TyddynBryn?ref=shop_sugg
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