Jill Mongato
NOTE: I am not the same person as Ravelry user SALTWATERPURLS. We just happened to come up with the same name.
I’m a knitter and all-around creative type living in Tampa, Florida. The weather here is HOT for most of the year, so my designs tend to correlate with that.
I don’t get much opportunity to wear fancy Aran sweaters, so you probably won’t find me posting any of those. What I will be posting are lots of fun warm-weather projects: socks, accessories, lightweight scarves, and fun gift ideas.
I hate knitting in plain stockinette for hundreds of rows! I get bored easily, so my designs tend to keep things interesting with new and exciting stitch patterns and other non-boring techniques. I also love to design my own lace and cables, so you can incorporate them into whatever you want!
I’m a full-time college student at the University of South Florida (Go Bulls!), so sadly I don’t get as much knitting time as I’d like. I won’t be posting a new design every week, but when I do create something new I’d love to share it with you.
I’m a big believer in creative freedom and free use. All my patterns are licensed under Creative Commons, meaning that you are free to use them for whatever you like as long as you give me credit. For example, if you want to publish my pattern on your blog or website, you can! Just include my name with the pattern and provide a link to my blog ( http://www.saltwaterpurls.blogspot.com ).
You are also free to print the patterns and make as many copies as you want, and give them to other people, or use them for teaching a class or workshop.
Thirdly, any item you make from my patterns becomes your property, meaning you may do whatever you want with it, including sell or trade it.
More information about CC licensing available on my blog.
[1]: http://www.ravelry.com/people/saltwaterpurls