tonks, so named for her naturally pink hair, has a serious yarn fetish and will covet any and all fibers possible for the simple joy of having them in her home. growing up in wisconsin with her equally fabulous mother taught tonks to appreciate knitwear at a very young age, although she loathes making hats and socks. tonks turned her abundant love of yarn into a home based business catering to the underground scene. she now lives just outside of d.c. with her fiber-bearing pets and a very, very patient and tolerant husband. (patent pending.) you can find tonks playing with yarn and other toys of delight at unhinged knitter dot com.
tonks has opened up a swag shop through zazzle! be sure to take a minute or three an check out some geeky love of all forms over at knit g33k dot com.
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The Unhinged Knitter

- Castlevania Fingerless Gloves
- The Unhinged Knitter
The Unhinged Knitter

- Bleeding Hearts Fingerless Gloves
- The Unhinged Knitter
The Unhinged Knitter

- Edvard Munch The Scream Mittens
- The Unhinged Knitter
The Unhinged Knitter

- Van Gogh Starry Night Mittens
- The Unhinged Knitter
The Unhinged Knitter

- Fibonacci Sequence Mittens (i heart math)
- The Unhinged Knitter
The Unhinged Knitter
- Kingdom Hearts Heartless Mittens
- The Unhinged Knitter
The Unhinged Knitter
- Kingdom Hearts Nobody Mittens
- The Unhinged Knitter
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