Tracey Lee
I am currently living life on the move looking after pets in their homes while their family holidays. This perfectly complements my design and knit life - an eclectic mix of accessories for yourself and your loved ones.
I’ve been designing my own pieces when I haven’t found exactly what I wanted to make for years, though I took a long break from the yarn arts while I was living in a hot humid environment.
The patterns you’ll find here are perfect for working up stash yarns - mostly single skein and multi coloured projects using less than 400 m of yarn.
I enjoy exploring alternative constructions and you’ll find some of those patterns here.
June 2024 marks the 10th anniversary of my design journey - it has been a bit of a roller coaster with all the highs and lows of a creative endeavour and life generally. I’m focussing on the highs and will be celebrating all the designs from the past 10 years throughout June 2024.