Vynn Eleuterian

Vynn Eleuterian

Exhibition Grand Opening at Fat Tuesday Gallery!

image title

It is my habit to say: “I am a yarn artist!”.
At best people imagine some extravagant form of expression like yarn bombing (in which i incidentally indulge). At worst, they look puzzled.
And it’s still better than the old rusty doily image conjured up in their mind if i say: “I am a crochet artist!”.
Old, musty, dusty and desperately out of fashion.
Maybe i should try : “I am a hooker!” or “I am Captain Crochet!”, but then it’ll just be confusing.

“With our purls, we knit our worlds!”

I believe that when we buy hand-crafted goods for the right price we buy more than just an item, and i see it as one solution to the massive consumerism that cripples our human relationships, and incidentally, our wonderful Earth.

I live in Assagay, a beautiful place made of hills and dales… and so much space!

original designs

Asystasia Aqua
Vynn's ravelings
Le Marque-Page
Vynn's ravelings