Aliseda by Anna Lipinska


no longer available from 1 source show
September 2013
250 - 600 yards (229 - 549 m)
size can be adjusted in both length and width
English Polish
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

A scarf to add colour and charm to your outfit.
Or a shawl, wide and lacy.

The pattern is easy to knit, you need to know just some basic lace stitches (increasing, decreasing, yarnovers).

Size can be customized by using different yarns, needle sizes, or adding repeats to the pattern.

Yarn - from lace to sport, heavierweight yarns may turn out too heavy

The instructions are both charted and written.



Szal może być wykonany z dowolnej grubości włóczki, na dowolnie grubych drutach.

Opis wykonania oraz wszystkie potrzebne informacje są zamieszczone na moim blogu - - w poście zatytułowanym “Aliseda krok po kroku” :)

Link do wzoru: KLIKNIJ TUTAJ :)