Chalk Bag by Wena' Knaup

Chalk Bag

Machine Knitting
December 2012
Aran (8 wpi) ?
Gauge not necessary for this project.
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

Length-wise constructed bag with Velcro closures; made to hold chalk or other small items. Fabric paint and/or appliqué are used for decoration.

Skill Level: Beginner to Advanced Beginner

Yarn Description:
¼ skein LionBrand Vanna’s Choice - #108 Dusty Blue; 4ply medium weight; 100g/3.5oz/170yd/156m; 100% Acrylic

Bond Knit Machine: USM Keyplate (KP) #3; Row Counter

Other Materials Needed:
Latch tool
Claw weights
Metal bent-tip tapestry needle
3 – 1in x ¾in Black Velcro strips
1 iron-on appliqué of choice
1 bottle Fabric paint of choice

Gauge: Gauge is not required for this project.

Special Technique: Alternate crochet cast-on

Notes: Please read all instructions thoroughly prior to beginning pattern. Chalk bag is constructed lengthwise; sides are hand seamed; and closure is completed with Velcro. Appliqué and or fabric paint may be used for decorating completed bag.