Marion's Monkey Knitting Pattern by Marion Kinchin

Marion's Monkey Knitting Pattern

DK (11 wpi) ?
US 5 - 3.75 mm
This pattern is available for free.

Pattern Info This is a redesigned, simpler version of the ITV Digital Monkey.

From the site:
Are you one of the many knitters who have found the Sirdar knitting pattern too difficult? Then Marion’s knitting pattern is for you. Written with the novice knitter in mind, and although not the official Monkey, Marion’s pattern gives everyone the chance to knit their own lovable toy. Sadly the two patterns are not interchangeable, so any pieces already knitted cannot be used. You can use your Sirdar wool by substituting green for khaki, and grey for greystone in the pattern.

Yarn Info

  • 2 50g balls moss green

  • 1 50g ball grey

  • 1 50g ball white