Sweet Crochet Set: Booties by Patons

Sweet Crochet Set: Booties

by Patons
January 2006
DK (11 wpi) ?
4.0 mm (G)
133 yards (122 m)
Infant to 12 months

Pretty lacy tie-front jacket and sweet booties to match. Jacket sizes 6-24 mos (17-20”/43-51 cm chest). Booties fit up to 12 mos. Shown in Patons Astra Baby Variegated (#02721). 4 mm (U.S. G or 6) crochet hook. (Patons Yarns)

Lacy crochet jacket and booties; pattern #3 in book.

Patons Astra (Variegated) 1 ball

One size fits infant to 12 months

See also Sweet Crochet Set: Jacket