Wheatberry Lace by Annie Schwier

Wheatberry Lace

December 2012
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
6 stitches and 8 rows = 1 inch
in Stockinette Stitch
US 4 - 3.5 mm
390 - 920 yards (357 - 841 m)
40" wingspan, 20" depth - customizable
This pattern is available from knitpicks.com for $7.00.

From the Designer’s Notebook…
This was my first adventure in writing my own lace charts. I sort of knew what I wanted it to look like. Many sheets of graph paper and much erasing later, I had a beginning. When I began knitting it, there were more drafts of the lace. Then suddenly it all came together. And I must say that it turned out prettier than I had originally envisioned.

The alternating wheatberry lace segments and stockinette stitch diamonds were not part of my original idea, but once I saw how it knitted up, I was very happy that it had worked out that way. It’s simple and fun to knit, and it uses under 100g of sock yarn knitted at gauge. However, the lace repeat can easily be continued if you have more yarn and would like a larger shawl.