patterns > Crescendo Book

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Crescendo is a progressive e-book containing 5 shawl designs.
Prana, a lovely crescent shape shawl was the first pattern followed by Hera, a fun bicolor knit that has been added at April 7.
Nenúfar is a triangular shawl knitted bottom-up with a lace stitch resembling water lilies. It starts with a few stitches and gradually increases size. The lace pattern is combined with a stockinette middle section creating elegant diagonal lines.
The pattern offers some interesting design options explained into pdf file.
Release date: 13.05.2012.
The 4th design - Rosiris, is knitted bottom-up with a flower stitch flowing from the edging to shawl’s upper body which is also worked in lace - small flowers grow from the main pattern.
Wrong side rows are purled and the right side combines purls, knits, cables and eyelets, adding an interesting texture to this graceful and feminine knit. Its crescent shape is made with simple decreases instead of short-rows.
Release date: 09.06.2012
The 5th and last design - Pétala is a seamless shawl knitted top-down in one piece with a stockinette section and shortened rows for its crescent shape. The lace stitch is inspired by flowers and delicate petals ending with a decorative crocheted bind-off for extra interest and a neat finishing.
Release date: 30.06.2012
eBook published in March 2012