Nøtteliten pants
In progress
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Nøtteliten pants

Project info
Nøtteliten ullbukse/ Pants by Nunnun
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
US 6 - 4.0 mm
Luna Grey Fiber Arts Orion
Luna Grey Fiber Arts Orion
Luna Grey Fiber Arts Orion

the pattern is not deep enough for cloth diapers so I had to modify it.

Knit waist ribbing for 3 1/2 cms then did the eyelets and continued knitting in rib for 3 1/2 cms more. I did this to avoid the fold over top (to save on yarn)

remember to use smaller needles for the cuffs!!

viewed 668 times | helped 4 people
In progress
no date set
work in progress
About this pattern
95 projects, in 229 queues
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About this yarn
by Luna Grey Fiber Arts
100% Merino
289 yards / 100 grams

145 projects

stashed 86 times

FrontierDreams' star rating
  • Project created: February 3, 2013
  • In progress: February 5, 2013
  • Updated: May 23, 2015
  • Progress updates: 14 updates