Humungous shawl
July 31, 2010
November 19, 2023

Humungous shawl

Project info
Golden Wheat by Jen Arnall-Culliford
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 2 - 2.75 mm
Old Maiden Aunt Alpaca/Silk/Cashmere Laceweight
2 skeins = 2600.0 yards (2377.4 meters), 200 grams
old maiden aunt

We had a particularly epic 9 hour car journey to Chester on Friday (it’s 203 miles away…), and I completed a whole lace repeat. My scales now tell me that I’ve completed 19% of the shawl. I’m calling that 20 and updating the counter. Hurrah!

I’ve done a few more repeats of the centre lace pattern, and now I’ve used 30g of yarn! Whoot!

I made the mistake of weighing my yarn today, and discovered that I’ve only knitted up a paltry 20g. Which was pretty depressing. Until I realised that it means I can move the progress bar from 5% to 10%. It might not seem like much, but it’s undeniable progress. :-D

I’ve been working pretty steadily on this for a couple of weeks now, and do you know what? It’s actually growing!! See, there’s photographic proof and all!

I’ve done a pattern repeat this weekend and really enjoyed it. I think this is one of those projects that I’ll just tinker with every so often. It may take me forever… But I’m enjoying it. :-)

After a very long break, I knitted a whole repeat of the lace pattern over the weekend. And I really enjoyed it. I’m hoping to fit a repeat in every so often and keep some momentum up with it.

I’m very excited to have cast this on. I’ve got as far as joining in the round.

Must try to remain faithful to this and not get too sidetracked!


I’m knitting on this a little at a time at the moment. I’m doing the final repeat of the centre lace pattern, and just working a round here and there between other projects. I’m really enjoying it!


Working steadily on this. I’ve completed the centre! tadatadatadatada


I’m up to round 26 on the border. I might actually finish this one day…


This is now all finished. In the end, I only used two of the three skeins I bought, but there was barely any left of the second one, so I was happy to have had the backup. If my tension had been even slightly looser on all those nupps I definitely would have needed the third.

I’m really happy to have finally completed this after more than thirteen years. Although, I shall probably never wear it!!!

viewed 1113 times
July 31, 2010
November 19, 2023
About this pattern
23 projects, in 102 queues
JenACTechniques' overall rating
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About this yarn
by Old Maiden Aunt
70% Alpaca, 20% Silk, 10% Cashmere goat
1300 yards / 100 grams

134 projects

stashed 166 times

JenACTechniques' star rating
  • Project created: August 4, 2010
  • Updated: November 21, 2023
  • Progress updates: 11 updates