Boy bunny with a piebald patch #2
February 20, 2015
February 27, 2015

Boy bunny with a piebald patch #2

Project info
Bunny with a striped sweater by Julie Williams
Ginnie D.
Needles & yarn
Cascade Yarns ® Cascade 220®
2420 yards in stash
Cascade Yarns ® Cascade 220®
1100 yards in stash
Cascade Yarns ® Cascade 220®
220 yards in stash
Cornerstone Yarns
Cascade Yarns ® Cascade 220®
220 yards in stash
Cascade Yarns ® Cascade 220®
440 yards in stash

2/25/2015 - Making good progress. Rabbit himself is done. Knit the shorts and soaked them. Tomorrow they’ll get seamed and I’ll work on the sweater. Doogie likes posing with knit bunnies. ;-)

4/6/2015 - Boy, looking back, I really didn’t take notes for this one, did I?! I THINK I MIGHT’VE used US3 needles? I’m doing rabbit #3 (for Amanda K.), and I’m using US2 bamboo, so we’ll see how the two finished rabbits compare.

For the skull and bones - I wanted a more “bruiser/tough guy” (yet still cute) look with this one, found a picture of a skull and bones knit project online, and actually counted the stitches in the picture to map onto a grid, and then duplicate stitched the patter onto the finished sweater. I think I got it all off to the left by one “pixel”, but since each of these bunnies always seem to lean/twist one way or the other, that’s just part of this bun’s unique personality.

4/19/2015 - Both bunnies are done and ready to be gifted to the mamas-to-be tomorrow. Got some fresh photos in natural daylight of this rabbit to go with Amanda’s rabbit. And I decided to add a little something to both that’s off-pattern - BELLY BUTTONS!!

Oh, and in knitting Amanda’s, I realized I completely didn’t pay attention to yarn weight in the instructions for this one. No wonder the clothes are baggier. I kinda like it, but those pants ARE really floppy. I’ll see if she wants me to knit something more snug.

*** NOTE TO SELF!!!! I think Ginnie’s was knit on US3, Amanda’s was knit on US2. The picture with the two rabbits together shows how the overall finished project size varies just by going up one needle size. US3 makes for a floppier bunny (this could be compensated for with more padding, but there’d be risk of seeing it through the looser stitches), US2 (per pattern) makes for a snugger bunny. I wonder what it’d be like knitting on US4 or 5, and holding the yarn double?

*** ANOTHER NOTE TO SELF - For this rabbit I knit each ear, each arm, and each leg individually, per the pattern. For Amanda’s I knit two-at-a-time for the ears, arms, legs. I’ll definitely try to remember to do two-at-a-time from here on out - if you forget a row, you’re forgetting it for both! And if you’re having to remember particular shaping stitches, it’s easier to do it for both appendages at the same time.

OTHER BUNNY (blue with overalls):

viewed 143 times | helped 1 person
February 20, 2015
February 27, 2015
About this pattern
2079 projects, in 1259 queues
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About this yarn
by Cascade Yarns ®
100% Wool
220 yards / 100 grams

197639 projects

stashed 108531 times

Jephers' star rating
  • Project created: February 20, 2015
  • Finished: March 2, 2015
  • Updated: November 23, 2015
  • Progress updates: 2 updates