Icarus Shawl
August 2007
June 6, 2008

Icarus Shawl

Project info
Icarus Shawl by Miriam L. Felton
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Pattern size
Needles & yarn
US 3 - 3.25 mm
Crystal Palace Yarns Kid Merino
4 skeins = 960.0 yards (877.8 meters), 100 grams
The Summer Gallery (Chautauqua Institute)

This piece is extremely special to me. It is what got me back in to knitting. I am purposely taking a lot of time on this one. I got in to knitting right after ending an almost two year relationship and this was a part of the getting-back-to-who-i-really-am phase that I am still joyfully going through!

Update 2/25
I have started back up with Icarus and I’m amazed at how much I’m in to it, despite all those long garter stitch rows. But I am getting more and more excited about finishing chart 1 and finish bringing Icarus to life! I am in the middle of the 4th repeat of chart 1! So excited!

Update 2/29
Started the 5th repeat! I have two weeks of Spring Break, hopefully I’ll be able to finish all of chart 1!! For some reason, maybe it’s because of how thin this yarn is, she doesn’t look as huge as everyone else’s, hmm. I know she’ll grow after blocking, but I can’t help but wonder…

Update 5/18
So, yesterday I had to fly back to CA from NY and got a TON of knitting done on Icarus. I finished Chart 3 and the end is in sight! SO excited to finish this before my trip to Germany!

Update 6/4
I am so close to being done! I have just a couple more rows on chart 4…it’s maddening! I’m so excited! I’ve just been sitting in front of the tv at my parent’s house doing row after row. Oh those long rows….but it’s so worth it! I can’t wait to see how it comes out!

Update 6/6
I FINISHED IT!!! I am so thrilled with how she turned out! It was such a growing project, in knitting and in growing since ending the relationship that turned me to knitting again! I am so proud. All the work was so worth it!! I am addicted to lace knitting! Thank you Miriam!!

The pictures in the sunlight don’t show how green she is, but the closeups from earlier pictures do.

viewed 561 times
August 2007
June 6, 2008
About this pattern
2315 projects, in 2027 queues
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About this yarn
by Crystal Palace Yarns
44% Nylon, 28% Mohair, 28% Merino
240 yards / 25 grams

2993 projects

stashed 4197 times

DevontheKnitter's star rating
  • Project created: November 9, 2007
  • Finished: June 8, 2008
  • Updated: November 23, 2018