Stanza, Convoluted
February 1, 2015
October 28, 2015

Stanza, Convoluted

Project info
Stanza by Sarah Hatton
Needles & yarn
US 2 - 2.75 mm
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
Rowan Mohair Haze
151 yards in stash
8.65 skeins = 968.8 yards (885.9 meters), 216 grams

Blogged here!

October 28, 2015: First, I have a roll collar, not a nice rectangular one. I refuse to go back so I have mirrored it on the sleeves (which I finished at the elbow instead of full-length because I had had enough with this piece). It makes a little pouch beneath the roll though, I might sew it down to remove that “paunch”. To get a roll collar? Just cast off too tightly, I imagine!!

I screwed up the raglans. I did my sleeves top down, but neglected to change the direction of the turn when doing so. Sigh.

I’m just not too happy with this piece and you should read more here about that. The good news is that the yarn does not fly all around when you wear it like it did when I was knitting with it. And it’s not itchy like I thought it would be! Really, the fabric is quite beautiful -- but I wouldn’t knit with it again.

March 31, 2015: Some have asked how I set up the raglans using the now WS as my RS, hope this helps:

  1. I start the first armhole bind off on the wrong side (purl). This happened to be the 83rd row after my moss stitch. “Next row” is now a RS (knit) followed as is. “Row 1” is the WS (purl) done as written: P2, P6, P1, P2tog, P to last 11 sts… etc.
  2. Because the decreases are done as written, they slant towards the armhole, not the neck. There is no typical ‘line’ of increases you would see from a conventional ssk, knit to end, k2tog.

February 21, 2015: So, the inevitable has happened again -- I prefer the “wrong side” of the pattern! This is less than a surprise than this pattern I recently reversed, because I knew the pattern was supposed to be in reverse stockinette. It’s a cool look, but:

  1. Reverse stockinette shows all your knitting imperfections!
  2. The stockinette side is just so beautiful in this fuzzy silky yarn.

WARNING: This is Rowan Mohair Haze, which makes a stunning fabric AND this shade is out-of-this-world beautiful (Nest). However, I don’t particularly like knitting with it because it is surprisingly easy to slip a stitch and not knit it. It’s not a splitty problem, it’s a slippy problem! Go back and look at your work regularly. See my photo for all of the slipped stitches I found even after I had already fixed many that I had noticed a row or two after. Keep a crochet hook handy, friends.

You may barely see in the original pattern picture that there is a cable on the raglan -- that of course will be more beautiful and clear laying on reverse stockinette, but I made my choice and I must stick with it!

viewed 1910 times | helped 7 people
February 1, 2015
October 28, 2015
About this pattern
19 projects, in 78 queues
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About this yarn
by Rowan
70% Mohair, 30% Merino
112 yards / 25 grams

420 projects

stashed 654 times

DayanaKnits' star rating
  • Project created: February 21, 2015
  • Finished: October 28, 2015
  • Updated: January 2, 2017
  • Progress updates: 3 updates