Featherweight Cardigan
December 3, 2014
April 1, 2015

Featherweight Cardigan

Project info
Featherweight Cardigan by Hannah Fettig
Needles & yarn
Valkyrie Yarn & Fibre
none left in stash
3 skeins = 1350.0 yards (1234.4 meters), 375 grams
Yarns...at the Adobe in San Luis Obispo, California
September 13, 2014

Using Amy Herzog’s Custom Fit version of the sweater because I had a credit from the purchase of the pattern for my St. John Cardigan that I wanted to use…plus her custom fit patterns fit so well!

I think this will be the perfect sweater to wear spring, summer (yes, summer) and fall here in the Pacific Northwest.

I am using Hope 55 in Harmony from Valkyrie Yarns and Fiber that I bought at Yarns at the Adobe during the San Luis Obispo a Yarn Crawl in September.

The only change to the pattern I made is the length from high hip to medium hip. I like a little more coverage. :-)

2/17 Picked up project after a break. Finished back and start right front. Cast on only 28 stitches for each front. I think more width will come from the front band.

2/22 Finished left front while watching the Oscars!

3/18 I finished the first sleeve this morning. I forgot to post that I finished the right front. Cast on for the second sleeve.

3/25 Finished second sleeve.

3/26 Pieces blocking.

3/27 Sewed pieces together and picked up and knit stitches for the band.

4/1 Finished! Now to block. I sure hope blocking makes the band lay flat.

6/4 The sweater has been finished since April and I’m just now getting a picture of the finished sweater posted. I have been wearing it, but I don’t love it. Even with the set in sleeves versus the raglan sleeves, it wants to fall off my shoulders. Also I have had to get use to the styling of the sweater which is to have little fabric over the bustline. I am making myself wear it and I’m getting use to it. :-) Love the yarn.

viewed 187 times
December 3, 2014
April 1, 2015
About this pattern
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  • Project created: December 3, 2014
  • Updated: June 8, 2015
  • Progress updates: 3 updates