Tuscany Shawl
March 19, 2008
April 12, 2008

Tuscany Shawl

Project info
Tuscany Shawl by Amy Sadler
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
Knit Picks Gloss Fingering
none left in stash
3.1 skeins = 682.0 yards (623.6 meters), 155 grams
Knit Picks

I started knitting this shawl in July 2007 after taking a class with Amy R. Singer. I originally used Handmaiden Sea Silk yarn, which is lovely yarn, but the colorway just wasn’t speaking to me. So off to the frog pond!

I cast on a second time in some leftover Gloss and found it a lovely project. With two and a half other lace shawls under my belt since the July, I was able to really see how much my lace knitting skills increased over the previous 9 months.

I really like how the lace pattern works up. The column of purls does such a nice job of marking the edges of the leaf patterns. I can’t wait to see it blocked! I also really like how the overall increases work - 2 increases per each row makes a nice, sloping shape to the shawl.

It took me just over 3 skeins of the Gloss yarn to make this shawl. No mods except yarn substitution.

Pre-blocked, it measures 67 x 22 inches.

viewed 2570 times | helped 4 people
March 19, 2008
April 12, 2008
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Knit Picks
70% Merino, 30% Silk
220 yards / 50 grams

19726 projects

stashed 17065 times

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  • Project created: August 18, 2007
  • Finished: April 13, 2008
  • Updated: November 23, 2018