levi and lace back of Levi Jacket yoke
February 23, 2012
February 24, 2012

levi and lace back of Levi Jacket yoke

Project info
Hooks & yarn
size 10 thread
cream and ecru
size 20 thread
cream and ecru
size 30 thread
cream and ecru

trying to repair an old jacket of mine I have had for 26 years. It had worn a hole in the yoke on the back of the neck from hanging on a hook.

a lot of the crochet pieces are antiques that I have found in balls of thread that I have purchased at thrift and antique stores.

this is a mix of Irish crochet Romanian point lace crochet and Russian crochet

To those who want to see what I did with the collar

viewed 306 times
February 23, 2012
February 24, 2012
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: February 23, 2012
  • Finished: February 24, 2012
  • Updated: January 11, 2013
  • Progress updates: 2 updates