Surface Ripples
October 14, 2012
October 20, 2012

Surface Ripples

Project info
Short-Wave Mitts by Sybil R
HandsFingerless Gloves/Mitts
Needles & yarn
Araucania Yarns Huasco Multy Botany Lace
203 yards in stash
0.35 skeins = 157.5 yards (144.0 meters), 35 grams
Maschenkunst in Dormagen, Nordrhein-Westfalen
January 17, 2012

To go with my “Hitchhiker” scarf.

Mods to the original pattern

  • instead of using a second colour to contrast the “waves”, do stockinette stitch inbetween (i.e. knit one row, purl one row)
  • end with “normal” kitchener stitch (front: knit slip, purl leave - back: purl slip, knit leave)
viewed 1184 times | helped 36 people
October 14, 2012
October 20, 2012
About this pattern
204 projects, in 501 queues
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About this yarn
by Araucania Yarns
Light Fingering
100% Merino
454 yards / 100 grams

7119 projects

stashed 7170 times

sybilra's star rating
  • Project created: October 18, 2012
  • Finished: October 21, 2012
  • Updated: October 27, 2012
  • Progress updates: 2 updates