Galathea Give Away
September 10, 2013
November 6, 2013

Galathea Give Away

Project info
Galathea by Åsa Tricosa
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
gulfcoast57 on ravelry
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Malabrigo Yarn Silkpaca
105 yards in stash
1.75 skeins = 735.0 yards (672.1 meters), 87 grams

12-1-13: The winner is gulfcoast57!

I used a random number generator and tried to paste that widget here so everyone could see how truly random the results were - but I can’t figure out how to paste a widget onto Ravelry (and don’t want to use up time figuring it out). I entered a number between 1 to 88 (total number of comments received) and the number 6 came up. The 6th person to post was gulfcoast57. Yeah!

Thank you everyone for your participation. The comments were kind, thoughtful, hilarious, and a reminder that we all share common reasons for knitting. This was truly fun and it is with pleasure that I wrap this up and send it out. Happy Knitting everyone.

11-6-13: Studio Lighting Photo Shoot class last night was really fun. The models were great to work with given that I had only 5 minutes of time with each. (Even the male model was a great sport!)

This shawl is really fun with the bright fuschia colors of Malabrigo Silkpaca (a great yummy soft yarn) and the border details of the lace pattern by Åsa Tricosa! which introduced me to a new cast-on.

Now that this class is over… I am GIVING AWAY this shawl. Yup. No gimmicks. I’m not a frilly kind of girl so it seems a shame to have this hanging, unworn, or unseen. I invite you to leave a comment on this project telling me why you love to knit, or why you love to wear handmade knitwear. On December 1, 2013 I will put all the names of those that posted a comment in a bowl and pick one person that I will send the shawl to. No charge. No cost. No reason… except that I had fun making this shawl, had fun doing the photo shoot, and want to have fun with this give away contest.

As a bonus! Åsa Tricosa is offering one of her patterns as a gift to the winner of this Galathea give away! (Her patterns are stunning!)

We are doing this in the spirit of having fun, learning why knitting matters to others, and celebrating the Holidays.

Good luck!

Final measurements:
15” x 92” (22 repeats)

viewed 738 times | helped 3 people
September 10, 2013
November 6, 2013
About this pattern
122 projects, in 348 queues
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About this yarn
by Malabrigo Yarn
70% Alpaca, 30% Silk
420 yards / 50 grams

9737 projects

stashed 13764 times

hippiechicknits' star rating
  • Project created: September 7, 2013
  • Finished: November 6, 2013
  • Updated: December 1, 2013
  • Progress updates: 3 updates