Spin a Yarn...Weave a Web

Local yarn shop (LYS)
207 2nd Avenue
West Jefferson, North Carolina 29694
United States

Spin a Yarn was created to fill the need to market the products of Foxfire Holler Farm during the winter when the Ashe County Farmers Market wasn’t open. Our family offered locally produced wool yarns as well as naturally raised, USDA inspected lamb, beef and pork from our farm.

As the demand grew, we expanded to carry other local farmers’ products, including handcrafts and needlework. Located on the Backstreet in downtown West Jefferson, we offer classes for beginners to advanced crafters as well as being a great place to sit and indulge your favorite fiber addiction.

Featuring natural fiber yarns, local wool and other fibers, local handcrafts, and local naturally grown meats. Also offering lessons and workshops in spinning, weaving, knitting and felting for children and adults.

Y’all come on in, we’re peaceable!