A. Satatieto
Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads
Knitting: Slippers
This is a no-sew version of a slipper pattern popular in Finland. Normally it’s made by first making a set of squares and then sewing them together. This method allows you to connect the squares as you go along, ending up with 2 seams with a 3-needle bind off and only 2-4 yarn ends to weave in.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
This is not a detailed pattern, but rather instructions for achieving a crescent shaped shawl with a ruffled edge. The example shawl was deliberately made very plain to show the structure of the shawl and the general purpose of these instructions is to function as a stepping stone for knitters who want to design their own ruffled crescent shawl...
Knitting: Mittens
Ruoho ja varpu -lapaset syntyivät halusta tehdä jotain pientä kivaa hetken mielijohteena ostetusta langasta. Mallineuleiksi valikoituivat kuviot, jotka tuovat langan vaihtuvat värit hyvin esille. Lapaset on neulottu suositusta pienemmillä puikoilla, jotta pinnasta tulisi tarpeeksi tiivis.