Caitlin van Wyk

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Crochet: Beanie, Toque
Beanies are always a fun way for beginners to practice their crochet skills without feeling overwhelmed. Now, I know that the texture on this beanie looks daunting, but they’re really simple once you get the hang of them. There is nothing quite like the feeling of wearing something you have made, and I hope this pattern makes you feel confident...
Crochet: Backpack
The Wildling Bobble Bag is a fun make that advanced beginners could try their hand at. The size of the bag and the length of the strap are customizable.
Crochet: Containers
The Mushroom Bobble Basket is a fun project that is perfect for
Crochet: Brimmed Hat
If you have ever wanted to try your hand at crocheting a garment but always felt daunted by the prospect, the Bobble Bucket Hat is for you.