Elizabeth Rose

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Crochet: Coat / Jacket
This is a LADY BUG CARDiGRAPH© (A CARDIGAN WITH A GRAPH PATTERN). The pattern can be used to make multiple sweaters with different backs. Contact the seller to purchase the backs at a lesser fee and how to calculate the yardage needed. As we all crochet with different yarns, hooks AND tension I have a youTube video i use to calculate the yardag...
Crochet: Cardigan
This is a cardigan or sweater that has a graph on the back. This is currently available with the GRINCH as the back panel and the pattern has red sleeves and black front panels.. But you can change this around to suit your needs. If you buy the pattern you can use the pattern to make other CARDIGRAPHS using different back panels by purchasing t...