Kelly Straub

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
Birthday Socks
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Another Gorram Hat is the perfect Beanie for all your cold weather excursions and anyone on your knitting list!
Knitting: Cloche Hat
Nami Cloche
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Be visible with BiVisibility
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Whether your showing Pride or using up scraps your sure to have a hat you can be proud of.
Knitting: Cowl
Bring some high contrast color into your life with the Esoteric Cowl.
Knitting: Cowl
Just like its name, this cowl is full of classy lace, sassy baubles & ruffled edges, and Shirsty Cat Designs’ custom Kristy Glass colorway; The Cover Is Not The Book
Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
Toe up cabled socks in super soft handspun from Bittersweet Woolery.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
A light and breezy shawl/ scarf for all seasons, Vite is knit in 2 ply handspun lace weight yarn from BFL top purchased from Cloverleaf Farm (They vend at both MS&W and Rhinebeck). The edging is picked up and knit around the body.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Morgan is a quick little hat to showcase pretty handspun yarn, or it can be made in any commercial sportweight wool or wool blend.
Knitting: Fingerless Gloves