Heidrun Liegmann
eBooks available as Ravelry Downloads

eBook :
10 patterns
All the designs I made within the last years, were an option for the printed book - the book Magische Maschen Mode would not have included all pattern instructions!

eBook :
13 patterns
Magische Maschen Mode 2 is the second e-Book of this series in Swing-Knitting Light Technique.

eBook :
3 patterns
Hier sind die ersten drei Kursbausteine in einem Band zusammengefasst, mit durchgehendem Inhaltverzeichnis.
Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Pullover, Dress
Twilight Swing is a versatile, comfortable and flattering tunic that can be worn over a shirt or a blouse. The matching wristlets are part of the pattern as well.

Knitting: Cardigan
Colorful as a fresh fruit salad, that’s how the patterning of the Tuttifrutti cardigan appears. The cardigan has no closures, and its bottom is curved.

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Teasing the sun to shine – that’s what I want! The sunny yellow of this shawl interrupts the rainy gray of summer this year in Germany!

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Swingtrelac is a long triangular shawl. It is completely composed of Swing-Knitting™ elements - those are explained row by row and for Swing-Knitters. There are additional Swing elements in the border around the shawl.

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Here it is - the Lismeverruckt shawl I designed for Swiss Wulle Festival, now available as a pattern!

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
When I was at Wollgarnspinnerei Ferner in Austria in August 2015, this yarn jumped at me – Lungauer Sockenwolle 6ply in a special Christmas color edition!

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Diamonds and Waves ist ein klassisches Dreieckstuch, das an der unteren Spitze begonnen wird und dessen Musterung mit Elementen des Swing-Strickens™ komplett symmetrisch ist.

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Dieses Tutorial ist nur für FORTGESCHRITTENE Swing-Stricker™ verständlich, die mindestens die Swing-Stricken™ Kursbausteine 1-3 und 5 gestrickt und verstanden haben!

Knitting: Booties
The pattern is available as a single pattern and as part of the Welcome Baby! e-Book!

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
The pattern is available as a single pattern and as part of the Welcome Baby! e-Book!

Knitting: Skirt
Amano Skirt is the matching skirt to Amano Jacket. If you wear both pieces together, you’ll have a fancy suit!

Knitting: Coat / Jacket
Amano Jacket is a flared jacket. The pattern in written in sizes S (36/38, US 8-10) to XL (48-52, US 20-24).

Knitting: Scarf, Brimmed Hat
It’s cold, and the first snow flakes are dancing – time for a cuddly warm winter combination!

Knitting: Brimmed Hat, Neck / Torso - Other
Swingy Heart-Felt is a set of a brimmed hat and a matching versatile convertible thing, knitted in the Swing-Knitting™ Technique.

Knitting: Cape, Fingerless Gloves, Beret, Tam
Ougenweide is a set consisting of a tam, a pelerine shawl and wristlets. It has a kind of medieval touch, that’s the reason for choosing a Middle High German name for it. Ougenweide means “feast for the eyes”.

Knitting: Scarf, Brimmed Hat
Swingy WinterWarm is a set of a brimmed hat and a matching scarf, knitted in the Swing-Knitting™ Technique.

Knitting: Scarf, Brimmed Hat
WinterWarm is a set consisting of a hat with a hat band and a matching scarf.

Knitting: Scarf, Fingerless Gloves, Beanie, Toque
“Arteko” is a Basque word, and it means “interaction” - this is what’s happening in this combination. Two different knitting melodies interact with side-to-side cables. They make the scarf, the hat and the hand flatterers a thrilling companion and an eyecatcher.

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Wintermond (Winter Moon) is a 3dimensionally knitted shawl that will really stay on your shoulders, even if you move. While you knit it, the shape may seem quite queer – its finished shape is very flattering!

Knitting: Skirt
The Sanduhr Skirt is matching the Sanduhr Tunic . You can wear Sanduhr Tunic and Skirt together as an extravagant lady’s suit, or you can wear the flattering skirt only with a matching shirt.

Knitting: Tote
The Work’nShop Bag is a very detailed tutorial to learn the Swing-Knitting™ Light Technique step by step.

Knitting: Pullover
The Sanduhr (hourglass) Tunic deduces its name from the pattern shape – it even shows a waistline if there is none :).

Knitting: Billed Hat
This is the second of three workshops about the technique of Swing-Knitting™, now availabe in Swedish as well.

Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
This is the first of three workshops about the technique of Swing-Knitting™ in Swedish.

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Die Anleitung zu diesem Tuch war eine Spezial-Ausgabe für das Sockenstrickertreffen 2014 in Hechingen bei Opal.

Knitting: Scarf
“Iddo“ is Welsh and means “for him”. This scarf matching the Iddo Hat has elements of Swing-Knitting™. It can be well worn by a man.

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Vor 3 Jahren habe ich angefangen, Kursbausteine zum Swing-Stricken™ und Anleitungen für Teile mit verkürzten Reihen zu schreiben – vor ziemlich genau 3 Jahren habe ich den ersten Kursbaustein veröffentlicht! Unsere Ravelry-Gruppe habe ich am 31.12.2010 gegründet, und diese Gruppe hat jetzt mehr als 3000 Mitglieder!

Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
This is Sugar Baby Love, the second of 2 Swing-Knitting™ Sock Workshops in English!

Knitting: Scarf, Muff, Tutorial, Hats - Other
Hier ist er, der erste Swing-Stricken™ Kursbaustein für Fortgeschrittene!

Knitting: Hanging Ornament
Here is the English version of the Swingy Julekuler - The photo tutorial shows exactly how to make 10 different ornaments in Swing-Knitting™.

Knitting: Hanging Ornament
Jetzt habe ich mich doch an dem Julekuler-Bazillus infiziert – also gibt es jetzt Swingy Julekulers!

Knitting: Wreath
Here is a small Christmas project for all of you who are already waiting (too long :)) for Swing-Knitting™ Workshop 5. The Swingy Xmas is a fast and easy project and can be used as a door wreath or put into a basket with candles and serve as Advent wreath - so everyone can see how super Swing-Knitting™ looks!

Knitting: Wreath
Für alle, die schon (zu) lange auf Swing-Stricken™ Kursbaustein 5 warten, hier ein kleines weihnachtliches Projekt - der Swingy Xmas ist schnell gemacht und kann als Türkranz oder in einem Adventskorb als Adventskranz jedem zeigen, dass Swing-Stricken™ einfach klasse aussieht!

Knitting: Cuffs
Wer die ANNA abonniert hat, konnte die Kurzanleitung für die Swing-Stulpe Anna in Hell-Strophen auf den Seiten 44 bis 47 schon gestern sehen!

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Finally! This is the third and last of the three Swing-Knitting™ basic workshops!

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Dies ist der dritte von drei grundlegenden Kursbausteinen zur Technik des Swing-Strickens™ - nach diesem Kursbaustein kannst du “voll” Swing-Stricken™, beherrschst alle wesentlichen Elemente dieser Technik und kannst deine eigenen Arbeiten planen und umsetzen!

Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
This is the first of three workshops about the technique of Swing-Knitting™.