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eBook : 7 patterns

Partis en quête d’artefacts douillets suite à l’appel de la Yarn force, Maître Armelle et Maître Mathieu ont posé leur vaisseau sur une mystèrieuse planète : Stitchooine.

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The Torroja shawl is a triangle-shaped shawl. It features a pattern using cables and slipped stitches, and is surrounded by an icord.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The Saint-Amand shawl is a crescent shaped shawl. It begins with a pointed stockinette panel, features a very simple lace stitch pattern in the center, and finish with a symetrical pointed stockinette panel.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
The aquilegia hat features simples eyelets pannels and seed stitch, which are folded in pleats so the crown ends up with seed stitch only.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The Milly shawl is a rhombus shaped shawl. It features a very simple wave-like textured stitch pattern.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The Blanquefort shawl is a two color long shawl. It features stripes, and three slanted panels. The middle panel uses garter stitch, and the two side panels use a textured pattern.
Knitting: Baby Blanket
The Maxine blanket is a baby blanket. It features a very simple colorwork striping.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The Montbard shawl is a long rectangular shawl. It could also be called a scarf, or a wrap. It features two different textured stitch patterns. The first pattern will bring out the Contrasting Color while the second one will bring out Main Color.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The Tramelay shawl is a large shawl, its shape is close to a crescent. It has two simple lace patterns on the body, one on the center and one on the sides, and it has a zig-zag lace pattern on its border.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The Barres shawl is a long shawl with pattern of small squares of horizontal and vertical lines.
Knitting: Baby Blanket
The Pois Chiche blanket is a baby blanket. It has a simple ripple-like pattern surrounded by a seed stitch border.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Craon is a triangular shawl. It uses garter stitch on the sides, and a center pattern of slipped stitches on a base of stockinette stitch. The shawl is knitted along the smaller side, so rows are never too long, the largest row is 130 stitches wide. The shawl is divided in two broad parts, the increase sections, up to the end of section two, an...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Payns is a bicolor shawl, with textured patterns. It is knitted in one piece. The first part is made of simple stripes and grows on both side. The second part has heavier stripes and use short rows, it grows the shawl on one side. The third part continues growing on that side and shortens the rows gradually with an icord.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Wavy-wavy is a triangular lace shawl with wave like patterns on both the body and border. This shawl can be knitted entirely from the charts, or from the written instructions given after the charts. As it is a lace pattern it is not designed for beginners, but do not let that deter you. There is nothing really difficult included in the pattern,...
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
This fluffy hat is knitted in the round using brioche stitch. The pattern does not have a size, you will use the head it should fit to decide the size you will be making it.