Natalia Aksyonova
Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Sweater - Other
The polo jumper is worked in one piece without seams from top to bottom. The neckband and collar are double. The neckband is worked in the round with a stockinette stitch, the collar and straps with a rib pattern. The neckline of the back and front is formed by shortened rows. Comfortable seamless design - raglan, which makes it easy to determi...

Knitting: Pullover
The Japanese shoulder sweater is worked in one piece without seams from top to bottom. First, the back is worked in turning rows to the armholes. Next, the stitches for the left side of the front neck and then the right side of the front neck are pick upped along the shoulder. The shoulder lines and neckline are formed, after which the two part...

Knitting: Pullover
The jumper is worked without seams, from top to bottom. First, a neckline is formed with a simultaneous back neckline, then a front neckline is formed using shortened rows. Next, a yoke is worked - a classic raglan on the back, and a shoulder strap on the front. An lace pattern is made along the raglan lines of the back and in the center of the...

Knitting: Cardigan
The cardigan is worked in one piece without seams from top to bottom. First, a yoke is formed with a simultaneous neckline of the back, then a yoke with a neckline of the front. A panel of the pattern is worked on the shoulder stitches, which expands when you add the sleeve stitches and is completed until it is finished. The body is worked in t...

Knitting: Sleeveless Top
Top with a dropped shoulder is worked in one piece without seams from top to bottom. First the back is worked by rows up to the armholes. Then the left front neckline, then the right front neckline, shoulder lines and neckline, then both parts of the front are joined together and worked up to the armholes. Body is worked in a rounds. The should...

Knitting: Cardigan
The cardigan is worked in one piece without seams from top to bottom. First is formed a back neckline, then a yoke with a front neckline. After dividing the pattern into the body and sleeves, work continues the body stitches to the desired length of the piece. The sleeves are worked in rounds and are available in two versions - flared and taper...

Knitting: Pullover
The sweater is worked in one piece without seams from top to bottom. After working the collar, form a neckline of back, then neckline of front with shortened rows. Next, work in a rounds with the imitation of a welt sleeve. The bottom of the piece is finished with a slit, the length of which can be adjusted as you go along.Positive ease 13 - 20...

Knitting: Pullover
Топ з японським плечем та ажурною спинкою в’яжеться однією деталлю без швів зверху вниз. Спочатку виконується спинка поворотними рядами до пройм. Далі по плечових скосах спинки піднімаються петлі для в’язання лівої частини горловини переду, потім правої частини горловини переду, формуються лінії плечей і виріз горловини, після чого обидві части...

Knitting: Pullover
Ажурний джемпер з короткими рукавами виконується без швів, зверху донизу. Спочатку формується росток з одночасним вирізом горловини спинки, потім виріз горловини переду за допомогою укорочених рядів. Після чого в’яжеться кокетка по колу з імітацією вшивного рукава. Тіло та рукави виконуються круговими рядами.

Knitting: Pullover
Pullover with a Japanese shoulder knitted in one piece without seams top-down. At first, work the back in rows to the armholes. Then pick up stitches from shoulders and work fronts, at first the left front, then the right front. Join both front parts and work front to armholes. Then cast on stitches for armholes and continue knitting the body i...

Knitting: Pullover
Work this pullover without seams top down. After neck band form back neck with short rows, then work the pullover in rounds. Body and sleeves work in rounds. Comfortable seamless design - raglan top down, which will be easy to determine the desired length of the body, sleeves, trying on themselves in the process of working.

Knitting: Beret, Tam
Design: The beret works without seams in rounds upwards. The instruction includes 2 options for your yarn and gauge.

Knitting: Pullover
Pullover with a Japanese shoulder is worked in one piece without seams top down. At first work the back in rows to the armholes. Then pick up stitches from shoulders and work fronts, at first left front, then right front. Then join both front parts and work front to armholes. Then cast on stitches for armholes and work body in rows. After body ...

Knitting: Cardigan
Cardigan with a dropped shoulder is worked from bottom to top in rows. The sleeves are worked in rounds from bottom to top, the sleeve cup forms with short rows.

Knitting: Pullover
This sweater is knitted in one piece without seams from top to bottom. After collar (high collar or round neck), form the neck with shortened rows, then knit the yoke in rounds. Simultaneously with the neck, a panel with cables is worked on the shoulder. The body and sleeves are done in rounds. At the end of the body, the side cuts are formed -...

Knitting: Pullover
Design Notes: Sweater with a dropped shoulder is worked from bottom to top in rounds to the armholes. Then divide to back and front and work flat in rows. The sleeves are worked in rounds from bottom to top, the sleeve cup forms with short rows. The pattern includes two options for the total length of sweater:

Knitting: Vest
This vest with Japanese shoulder works top down. At first, we work back with rows to armholes. Then we pick up stitches from left shoulder and work left front, then right front. Then we join both fronts and works front to armholes. Then we join back and front and work the body in rounds. At end of body, we form side slits.

Knitting: Cardigan
Pullover or Cardigan? The choice is up to you. With this instruction you have 2 options:

Knitting: Pullover
Top with knitting und purling stripes is worked with multi-yarn – silk-mohair and viscose. Its basic form and simplicity of execution implies many possibilities for experimentation and creation of a unique top. Top worked flat in rows.

Knitting: Pullover
Пуловер со спущенным плечом и V-образной горловиной. Тело вяжется снизу вверх по кругу до пройм, затем раздельно, поворотными рядами - перед и спинка. Петли рукава набираются по проймам после соединения плеч и вяжутся по кругу сверху вниз.

Knitting: Pullover
Oversize pullover with longer back, worked with alpaca and lurex. This pullover works in rounds down up to armholes. Then back and front works in rows. Sleeves works in rounds up dows from armholes. Sleeve cap, front neck and back neck forms with short rows.

Knitting: Coat / Jacket
Однобортный кардиган прямого силуэта с лацканами и накладными карманами для теплых осенних дней. Вещь, которая никогда не выйдет из моды. Кардиган можно носить как с юбкой, так и брюками. Составить образ в классическом стиле или стиле casual не вызовет сложности, он будет незаменим в гардеробе каждой девушки. А твидовая пряжа сделает его особен...

Knitting: Pullover
Пуловер выполняется по кругу без швов, сверху вниз. В описании дано два варианта рукавов - длинный и короткий, а также три варианта силуэта - прямой, приталенный, А-силуэт. Рекомендуемый припуск на свободу облегания - 2-6 см, на фото показан пуловер с шириной по ОГ 84 см, с прибавкой 2 см. Возможна любая пряжа, с учетом плотности 24 петель на 3...

Knitting: Pullover
Oversize sweater with opulent sleeves. You have 2 options for sleeve length – long and ¾ long with beads deco. The body works down up in rounds to the armholes. Then front and back works separate in rows. The stitches for sleeved pick up from armholes and sleeves works top down in rounds. The instruction has 2 options for beads deco: