Maggie Cat

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Crochet: Animal Toy
Stingray is a relative of sharks, it is a cartilaginous fish.
Crochet: Animal Toy
Great White Shark are usually peaceful, but they are still predators and sit at the top of the marine food chain.
Crochet: Animal Toy
Sunfish is one the largest bony fish in the world. Average weight of a full grown sunfish can be up to 1000kg.
Crochet: Animal Toy
Balloon Lumpfish live on the rocky bottom of the sea. Their small pectoral fins are not good at swimming so they attach themselves to reef rocks with the suckers of its pelvic fins. Their bodies just like a balloon which make them so cute and that’s why they were called balloon lumpfish.
Crochet: Animal Toy
The unusual appearance of frogfish makes this sea creatures so unique.
Crochet: Animal Toy
Orcas are commonly referred to as “killer whales”. But they are not considered a threat to humans.
Crochet: Animal Toy
Shaun the sheep nudibranch is so tiny only less than 5mm in sizes. It is so called because of its beady eyes and cute feelers.
Crochet: Animal Toy
Boxfish is a family of squared, bony fish closely related to the pufferfishes.
Crochet: Animal Toy
Hammerhead shark are named for the unusual and distinctive structure of their heads.
Crochet: Animal Toy
Whale sharks have very large mouths and are filter feeders. They feed almost exclusively on plankton and small fishes, and pose no threat to humans.