Vicky Gorton

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Crochet: Softies - Other
These are the Two Skews (or Piers and Petra), the Crocheted Skewed Distributions. The Two Skews are based on the shapes of the Skewed Distributions, also known as Left-hand/ Negatively skewed distribution (tail on the left) and Right-hand/ Positively skewed (tail on the right).
Crochet: Softies - Other
This is Stu, the crocheted Student’s T Distribution. Stu is based on the shape of the Student’s T Distribution, whose name originates from a 1908 paper by William Gosset who chose to publish his paper under the pseudonym “student”.
Crochet: Softies - Other
This is Una, the crocheted Uniform Distribution. Una is based on the shape of the Uniform Distribution.
Crochet: Softies - Other
This is Norm, the crocheted Normal Distribution. Norm is based on the shape of the Normal Distribution, also known as the bell shaped curve, or Gaussian probability distribution.