yarns > Wonderland Yarns & Frabjous Fibers > Handspun Peace Silk

Handspun Peace Silk

This handspun yarn is spun out of Ahimsa silk or “peace silk,” a type of silk originally created for Buddhist monks who did not approve of the usual method of killing the silk moths. Traditionally silk moths are gassed in their cocoons so they do not harm the silk when they emerge. To produce Ahimsa silk the cocoons are harvested after the moths emerge. When the moth leaves the cocoon it cuts a small hole in the silk which shortens the fibers. These shorter fibers have a shine similar to reeled silk, but a somewhat nubby texture.
Our Peace Silk is handspun in India, 2-ply, and slightly thick and thin.
49 projects
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- Page created: October 27, 2010
- Last updated: November 3, 2021 …
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