Alter Ego Crochet

Alter Ego Crochet

original designs

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Dougie the Dog
Pocket Friends
Elinor the Elepant
Pocket Friends
3 x Bears
Pocket Friends
Percy the Penguin
Alter Ego Crochet
Carlos the Crab
Alter Ego Crochet
Jenny the Jellyfish
Sea Creatures by Alter Ego Crochet
Christmas Tree & Present
Alter Ego Crochet
Robert the Rubber Duck
Alter Ego Crochet
Raymond the Ray
Alter Ego Crochet
Octopus Army
Alter Ego Crochet
Jenny the Jellyfish
187 Patterns
Octopus Memory Game
Surprise Patterns
Headphone Monsters
187 Patterns
Wally the Whale
Alter Ego Crochet
Cathrine the Cat
Alter Ego Crochet
Toby the Tiger
Alter Ego Crochet
Santa Surprise
Surprise Patterns
Ringo the Rainbow Dog
Alter Ego Crochet
Leek in Pot
Veggies In Pots
Radish in Pot
Veggies In Pots
Potato in Pot
Veggies In Pots
Reversible Volcano
Alter Ego Crochet
Tony the Tarantula spider
Alter Ego Crochet
Tony the Tarantula spider
Alter Ego Crochet
Grim Reaper
Alter Ego Crochet
Mr. Ghost
187 Patterns
Sun Surprise
Alter Ego Crochet
Rubber Duck Surprise
Alter Ego Crochet
Ernie the Earthworm
Alter Ego Crochet
Dora the Dragonfly
Alter Ego Crochet
Wilson the Wasp
Alter Ego Crochet
Egg Surprise
Surprise Patterns
Antonio the Ant
Alter Ego Crochet
Beeatrice the Bee
Alter Ego Crochet
Alter Ego Crochet
Salazar the Snake
Alter Ego Crochet
Spider Surprise
Alter Ego Crochet
Sherman the Squid
Alter Ego Crochet
Conrad the Crocodile
Alter Ego Crochet
Pedro the Penguin
Alter Ego Crochet
Freddy the Frog
187 Patterns
Barry the Bat
Alter Ego Crochet
Mr. Ghost
187 Patterns
Grim Reaper
187 Patterns
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