Alyssa Wilson-Petrella
First off, I want to apologize to anyone who’s been irritated about the .pdf download that you get for some of the intarsia charts. I posted these when Ravelry was first starting to allow uploaded patterns and then shortly thereafter, I became extremely inactive on this site (for, um, years). Life simply got in the way of knitting. I know, how could I possibly let that happen? But just last week I woke up and realized that the man I’m about to marry I’ve been dating for two years. And it was before even that when I became an inactive Raveler. But fear not. I never really quit knitting (God forbid). It’s just that I just haven’t been able to eke out the extra time required to be Ravelrous between graduating college (twice), meeting the man of my dreams, moving, changing jobs twice, and now planning our wedding.
Secondly, for anyone in the Pittsburgh area, I’m now a knitting instructor. Well, this isn’t exactly new. I just finished a stint at the Jo Ann’s in Robinson but have had to leave due to nearly constant scheduling conflicts. It’s unfortunate, but because of the system they have of scheduling classes, I was having to provide tons of theoretical availabilities months in advance in order to land possibly two classes a month. And wouldn’t you know it, the dates and times that would later turn out to be a conflict for me would be the only ones that would actually have students sign up? So, I’m hoping to start teaching at some of the LYSs in the area with a more focused schedule. This probably won’t really come into fruition until after my wedding in June though.
In the meantime, I’m also collecting quite the sketch collection and I hope to do something about that in the near future. But again, probably won’t happen until after the wedding. But for now, my focus is going to be on making what patterns I do have available better and more available. But once life settles down just a teensy, tiny bit, I’m hoping to start writing patterns and then doing whatever it takes to get a book published.
So, since I know a bunch of the patterns probably have bad e-mail addresses or ways to contact me (which I swear were legit when I posted them years ago), here’s my current contact info:
awilsonbsms@yahoo.com (warning this may go bye-bye after June 2012)