Amanda Blair Brown
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
#01 Pompom Capelet Knit Simple Magazine, Winter 2014 December 2014 6 114
#14 Zigzag Scarf 60 Quick Knits January 2010 40 90
#17 Bead Scarf and Cap Knit Simple Magazine, Holiday 2010 October 2010 3 31
#18 Jewel Cowl Tank Vogue Knitting International, Early Fall 2012 July 2012 1 45
#24 Bubble Vest Knit Simple Magazine, Winter 2012/13 November 2012 3 46
#30 Infinity Scarf Vogue Knitting International, Winter 2009/10 January 2010 34 138
Blue Diamonds 60 Quick Baby Blankets April 2013 69 323
Cleopatra Neck Effects: 30 Scarves, Wraps, & Cowls to Knit for Now August 2015 25
Loop Mesh Scarf Noro Lace, 30 Exquisite Knits February 2015 3 104
Park Slope Scarf Malabrigo Book 7: Rasta in Brooklyn May 2014 6 58
Park Slope Sweater Malabrigo Book 7: Rasta in Brooklyn May 2014 1 107
Pompom Garland Handknit Holidays: Knitting Year-Round for Christmas, Hanukkah, and Winter Solstice October 2005 28 133
Ruched Capelet Interweave Knits Website (Old) May 2005 1 10
Ruffles Scarf Scarf Style: Innovative to Traditional, 31 Inspirational Styles to Knit and Crochet September 2008 847 1052
Sea of Scallops 60 Quick Cowls November 2015 1 30
Slipping Around 60 Quick Cowls November 2015 4 30
Striped Fringe Interweave Knits, Winter 2003 October 2003 32 141
Stripes and Bobbles Scarf Style: Innovative to Traditional, 31 Inspirational Styles to Knit and Crochet September 2004 58 222
Wavy Drop Stitch Scarf 50 Garter Stitch Gifts to Knit: The Ultimate Easy-to-Knit Collection Featuring Universal Yarn Deluxe Worsted May 2015 1 47
Willa Tank Knitscene, Spring 2015 December 2014 9 180