Ambrose Smith
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Colonel Brandon Socks Ambrose Smith's Ravelry Store March 2019 57 1043
Damson Gin socks Ambrose Smith's Ravelry Store December 2018 128 2236
Edmund Socks Ambrose Smith's Ravelry Store August 2019 82 1374
Edward socks The Sense and Sensibility Collection March 2019 106 1443
Elinor socks The Sense and Sensibility Collection March 2019 69 1733
Emma socks The Emma Collection April 2020 19 313
Fanny Price socks Ambrose Smith's Ravelry Store June 2019 64 452
Humbug Socks Ambrose Smith's Ravelry Store November 2019 88 564
Knightley socks The Emma Collection April 2020 23 442
Little Paddocks socks Ambrose Smith's Ravelry Store December 2018 166 1604
Marianne socks The Sense and Sensibility Collection March 2019 90 1305
Nemesis socks Ambrose Smith's Ravelry Store December 2018 167 1714
Paddington Station socks Ambrose Smith's Ravelry Store December 2018 237 1972
Poison Pen socks Ambrose Smith's Ravelry Store December 2018 67 768
Scones with Florence socks Ambrose Smith's Ravelry Store December 2018 59 610
Tea at Bertram's socks Ambrose Smith's Ravelry Store December 2018 106 1377