American School of Needlework
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Parisian Pineapple Doily American School of Needlework #1351, Learn to Make Stunning Doilies January 1984 14 33
Pineapple Fans Doily American School of Needlework #1353, Ultimate Pineapples for Your Home March 2004 5 32
Pineapple Fleur Doily American School of Needlework #1031, Favorite Pineapple Doilies of Rita Weiss January 1984 4 37
Pineapple Lace Tablecloth American School of Needlework #1353, Ultimate Pineapples for Your Home March 2004 18 187
Pineapple Medallion Bedspread American School of Needlework, #6005 Heirloom Tablecloth & Bedspread Designs January 1984 9 156
Pineapple Points Dolily American School of Needlework #1031, Favorite Pineapple Doilies of Rita Weiss January 1984 1 5
Pineapple Table Cloth American School of Needlework #1186, Complete Guide to Thread Crochet January 1990 18 201
Pineapple Twins Annie's #871630, One Day Doilies January 2017 12
IMG_3016 Playtime For Baby American School of Needlework #1265, Knit It! Wear it! July 1998 15 20
no photo
Princess American School of Needlework #1094, Table Toppers in Thread Crochet January 1990 2
Quick Crocheted Jacket American School of Needlework #2201, Gifts From Heaven Baby Sweaters January 2002 11 21
Rings American School of Needlework #1115, Little Doilies in Thread Crochet December 1991 3 10
Ripple Lace Baby Layette American School of Needlework Presents The Great Knitting Book January 1980 4 17
Rippling Rendezvous American School of Needlework #1272, The Ultimate Book of Scrap Afghans July 1999 2 18
Rolling Ripple Afghan American School of Needlework #1347, Knit Afghans of Many Colors January 2004 16 170
Scallops American School of Needlework #1115, Little Doilies in Thread Crochet December 1991 1 4
Seven Points American School of Needlework #1115, Little Doilies in Thread Crochet December 1991 2 16
Shaded Squares American School of Needlework #1381, Color Happy Afghans January 2005 1 18
Shell Stitch Crocheted Cardigan American School of Needlework #2201, Gifts From Heaven Baby Sweaters January 2002 6 95
no photo
Simplicity Lace Doily American School of Needlework #1351, Learn to Make Stunning Doilies January 2004 1
Southwest Passage American School of Needlework #1272, The Ultimate Book of Scrap Afghans January 1999 6 8
IMG_6836 Spring Flower American School of Needlework, The Great Afghan Book January 1981 11 117
Square-Cut Pineapple American School of Needlework #1031, Favorite Pineapple Doilies of Rita Weiss January 1984 10 207
Star American School of Needlework #1115, Little Doilies in Thread Crochet December 1991 1 11
Strawberry Patch American School of Needlework #2203, Special Delivery Baby Afghans July 1991 3 3