American Thread Company
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Medallion Star Book No. 3, Star Book of Crochet Edgings-Insertions and Medallions January 1936 36
Medallion Star Book No. 3, Star Book of Crochet Edgings-Insertions and Medallions January 1936 31
Medallion Star Book No. 3, Star Book of Crochet Edgings-Insertions and Medallions January 1936 11
Medallion Star Book No. 3, Star Book of Crochet Edgings-Insertions and Medallions January 1936 21
Medallion and Edge for Tea Cloth Star Book No. 3, Star Book of Crochet Edgings-Insertions and Medallions January 1936 18
Men's and Women's Ski Sweater Star Book No. 166, Sweaters Bulkies January 1962 85
Men's Cable Stitch Ski Socks #4709 Star Book No. 47, Slippers January 1947 39
Men's Fair Isle Slipon Star Book No. 92, Sweaters of Nylon or Wool January 1952 8 282
no photo
Men's Mittens Star Book No. 75, Nylon Knitting Crocheting January 1950 1
no photo
Men's Ribbed Sock Star Book No. 118, Socks January 1955 1
Men's Scuffs #4708 Star Book No. 47, Slippers January 1970 4 132
Men's Slippers #4710 Star Book No. 47, Slippers January 1947 4 116
Men's Socks #3117 Star Book No. 31, Star Gift Book January 1944 32
Men's Turtleneck Sweater Star Book No. 92, Sweaters of Nylon or Wool January 1952 24 771
Mending Compact #4818 Star Book No. 48, Gifts Knitted and Crocheted January 1946 16
Mens' Plain Socks Star Book No. 167, Begin to Knit February 1962 2 29
Mens' Vest Star Book No. 167, Begin to Knit February 1962 3 54
Mercury Star Book No. 163, Doilies January 1960 2
Mesh Crochet Socks Star Book No. 226, Knitted and Crocheted Boutique January 1972 4 65
Mesh Crochet Stockings Star Book No. 226, Knitted and Crocheted Boutique January 1972 7 239
Mesh Diamond Afghan Star Book No. 202, Afghans: Crocheted & Knitted January 1970 2 123
Mesh Linen Band #4819 Star Book No. 48, Gifts Knitted and Crocheted January 1946 8
Metron Shawl Star Book No. 133, Stoles January 1956 59
Metropolitan Shawl Star Book No. 86, Stoles and Shawls January 1951 19 1540
Metropolitan Square Tablecloth Star Book No. 109, Bedspreads and Tablecloths January 1954 38