Amy Lynn Yarbrough
Hello! My name is Amy. I love to create, and I love being able to share what I create with others.
-About Me
I started crocheting when I was very young from a kit I received from my parents. I didn’t have the patience at first to thoroughly learn the craft so it was on-again, off-again for many years. Then, in my teens, I set my mind to learn it and discovered my favorite hobby. It wasn’t long before I realized I could design my own patterns and I got my first job designing for the well-known Crochet Spot. From there I started my own business, Ginger Peachy Store, that I have been managing since 2016.
-Why Create?
I believe that, just as God created the world and all that is in it and then chose to share it with us, He designed us to, in a small way, desire to create as well. And when we share our creations with others it gives us joy, just as our Father loves to share His gifts of creation with us. That is why I can consider it a great privilege to use the talents He has given me to make things, things that I can share to give pleasure to others.
-My Mission
My favorite type of creating is practical, useful, and natural. I intend to begin focusing on making things that are more practical and uses natural materials in order to help people learn to be better stewards of the earth and more self-sustaining. I hope you will join me on my journey. Please feel free to introduce yourself and share with me your own story.