Anne Gee White

Anne Gee White

Hi all! “Anne Gee White” is my pen name for A Gamer’s Wife, the blog where I write about my husband K’s crazy adventures in the video game industry, interesting crafts for geeks, and other random nerdy topics.

I love to crochet (mainly gifts for other people) and just recently started dipping my toe into the scary world of knitting.

original designs

Kitten Mittens for Cats
A Gamer's Wife (website)
Tunisian Ribbed Scarf
A Gamer's Wife (website)
A Gamer's Wife (website)
  • Ponyo
  • A Gamer's Wife (website)
Zoomer from Metroid
A Gamer's Wife (website)
Jiji the Cat
A Gamer's Wife (website)
Lizard Monster Baby Booties
A Gamer's Wife (website)