Ashleigh Annereau
Ashleigh Annereau
Born and raised in beautiful New Zealand, I live with my amazing spouse, lovely dog, questionable cats, and very tolerant flatmates. I am 30 years old, and use knitting to explore the ideas of craft, art and to understand not only myself but also the world around me. I love how knitting occupies the hands, engages the mind, and taps into creativity.
If you are interested in tech editing or test knitting, dm me or have a look at my group here.
Itty Bitty Daisy
Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
- Itty Bitty Daisy
- Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
Nova Vita Nesting Bowls
Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
- Nova Vita Nesting Bowls
- Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
Caterpillar Cowl
Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
- Caterpillar Cowl
- Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
Angled Trans Flag Wrap
Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
- Angled Trans Flag Wrap
- Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
Little Trees Scarf
Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
- Little Trees Scarf
- Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
Angled Infinity Scarf
Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
- Angled Infinity Scarf
- Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
Textured TV Shawl
Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
- Textured TV Shawl
- Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
Mountains and Starry Sky
Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
- Mountains and Starry Sky
- Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
Simple Leaning scarf
Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store
- Simple Leaning scarf
- Ashleigh Annereau's Ravelry Store