Australian Town and Country Journal
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Lady's Warm Petticoat Australian Town and Country Journal, Wednesday 1 June 1904 June 1904 2 97
Laurel Leaf Quilt Australian Town and Country Journal, Saturday 15 May 1886 5 363
Leaf and Trellis Pattern Australian Town and Country Journal, Saturday 1 August 1885 1 10
Men's Neckties Australian Town and Country Journal, Saturday 15 July 1893 15
Miniature Knitted Stocking Purse Australian Town and Country Journal, Wednesday 21 November 1906 November 1906 20
no photo
Mittens Australian Town and Country Journal, Saturday 8 May 1886
Muff Crocheted in Imitation of Fur Australian Town and Country Journal, Saturday 15 June 1878 2 35
Neck Handkerchief or Shawl Australian Town and Country Journal, Saturday 2 February 1901 February 1901 39
Oak-leaf Pattern Australian Town and Country Journal, Saturday 21 August 1886 1 57
Pattern for Crochet Edging Australian Town and Country Journal, Saturday 4 June 1887 102
no photo
Pelerine Australian Town and Country Journal, Saturday 1 August 1885 4
Pence-Jug Australian Town and Country Journal, Saturday 3 June 1893 1 35
Round Shawl in Crochet Australian Town and Country Journal, Wednesday 18 September 1907 September 1907 1 49
Shell Pattern for Quilts Australian Town and Country Journal, Saturday 24 July 1886 1 58
Square with 4 Diamonds of Raised Treble Stitches Australian Town and Country Journal, Saturday 8 July 1899 3 513
Tam O' Shanter Australian Town and Country Journal, Saturday 2 October 1886 July 1900 1 16
Thistle Pattern Australian Town and Country Journal, Wednesday 11 May 1904 May 1904 2 83
no photo
Trimming Australian Town and Country Journal, Saturday 8 July 1893 2
Tudor Pattern Australian Town and Country Journal, Saturday 7 August 1886 1 35
Wave, Rose and Strawberry Insertion Australian Town and Country Journal, Wednesday 23 December 1903 December 1903 1 33
Wave, Rose and Strawberry Lace Australian Town and Country Journal, Wednesday 23 December 1903 December 1903 5 134