Beardie and Blondie

Beardie and Blondie

original designs

Charli the Cat
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #93, December 2021
Tony the Tanuki
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #91, October 2021
Rocco the Red Panda
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #90, September 2021
Leif the Lion
Pattern Pack Pro | 83 | August 2021 | Let’s Hear It For Crochet
  • Leif the Lion
  • Pattern Pack Pro | 83 | August 2021 | Let’s Hear It For Crochet
Candace the Cow
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #89, August 2021
Cookie the Cat
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #88, July 2021
Paxton the Panda
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #87, June 2021
Scoot the Sloth
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #86, May 2021
Ruby the Rabbit
Pattern Pack Pro | 79 | April 2021 | Spring Fling
Gale the Golden
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #85, April 2021
Abra the Axolotl
Pattern Pack Pro | 78 | March 2021 | Amigurumi
Zayne the Zebra
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #84, March 2021
Tammy the Tortoise
Pattern Pack Pro | 77 | February 2021 | Mandalas
Sherbet the Sheep
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #83, February 2021
Ronnie the Rooster
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #82, January 2021
Percy the Peguin
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #81, December 2020
Connie the Crocodile
Pattern Pack Pro | 71 | August 2020 | Hit the Beach
Oswald the Owl
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #77, August 2020
Socktopus: Amigurumi Octopus
Simply Crochet, Issue 100
Oscar the Otter
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #73, April 2020
Bailey The Bear Chunko
beardieandblondiecrochet UK
Henrietta the Hen
Pattern Pack Pro | 66 | March 2020 | Amigurumi
Fernando the Frog
Crochet Now, Issue 54
Sheldon the Sheep
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #72, March 2020
Spring Break Polar Bear
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #71, February 2020
Easter Bunny
Crochet Now, Issue 53
Barbershop Alpaca-Pella
Crochet Now, Issue 52
Crochet Now, Issue 51
Crochet Now, Issue 50
Polar Bear
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #69, December 2019
  • Polar Bear
  • Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #69, December 2019
Claude the Cuddly Penguin
Crochet Now, Issue 49
Curio the Cat Christmas Bauble
Your Crochet & Knitting, Issue 13
Sydney the Squirrel
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #68, November 2019
Royal Pig
Etsy - Beardie and Blondie
Angel Pig
Etsy - Beardie and Blondie
Spotted pig
Etsy - Beardie and Blondie
Bruce the Bat
Pattern Pack Pro | 60 | September 2019 | Happy Halloween
  • Bruce the Bat
  • Pattern Pack Pro | 60 | September 2019 | Happy Halloween
Hanging Around the XmasTree
Crochet Now, Issue 47
Flora the Fawn
Crochet Now, Issue 46
Amigurumi Mr and Mrs Fox
Beardie and Blondie's Ravelry Store
Donkey in Dungarees
Beardie and Blondie's Ravelry Store
Amigurumi Rainbow Chunko Man
Beardie and Blondie's Ravelry Store
Chunky amigurumi bear
Etsy - Beardie and Blondie
Chunky easter bunny
Beardie and Blondie's Ravelry Store