Beth Archibald
Beth Archibald
I love to knit and crochet! I learned how to crochet from my Mom and how to knit in my church group many years ago.
In the past I have done mostly machine knitting, but now am learning to love needle knitting!
I love making items for loved ones. It gives me such a sense of pride and satisfaction when the recipient loves your knitting.
Honey Hurdles Blanket
Beth Archibald's Ravelry Store
Beth Archibald's Ravelry Store
- Honey Hurdles Blanket
- Beth Archibald's Ravelry Store
Purple Majesty Cowl
Beth Archibald's Ravelry Store
Beth Archibald's Ravelry Store
- Purple Majesty Cowl
- Beth Archibald's Ravelry Store