Bethany Hall
I’m a married Mama with 4 four legged children and 1 human child.
I am a Stay at home mom.
I like to sew (mostly stuff for DD), crochet, make dolls(poppets specifically), loom knit, shrinky dink(is that a verb?), make jewelry, spin, needle knit and draw.(in that order) I also draw pixel art, Write occasionally, and read.
Check out my other crafts on my deviant art gallery:
I hope to add tatting, quilting and polymer clay to my craft knowledge list in the future. If it’s a craft I probably want to try it!
Hubby and I have been married for almost 8 years(October 23rd, 2005) and have had 6 ferrets in that time. My “children” include 1 cat(Juliette), 1 giant Dog (Khindi) And 2 small tree frogs(Ricky and little frog).
I consider myself a big fan of The twilight series and Movie, as well as a huge fan of books and reading in general. (perhaps this comes from my home school background) I almost always have a reading book in my craft bag.
I am dyslexic, and may have a mild form of ADD. lol. Perhaps this is why I bounce between crafts so much!
I’ve been making commissioned plush(crocheted and sewn) as of December 08. I’m really enjoying that! And have branched out more into childrens items. Mostly Cloth trainers, and soon diapers too. ;)
I consider myself quite skilled with a Hot Glue Gun. (yes that’s important.)