Bianca Preuß
My passion for knitting has slowly developed. Even as a child I loved to watch my mother when the needles rattled and an inspiration manifested itself. Later I wanted to be creative myself, which was not so easy. My first sweater weighed a ton and was more bulky than a potato sack. But I didn’t give up and my skills grew. Often I got to hear: “Can you show me how to do that?” or “Can you knit me a nice scarf like that?” And so in the last few years I knitted more for others than for myself and my loved ones. That was nice but also a pity, because so I had no time to bring my own visions on the needles. But after eleven years on Ravelry, the creative chaos in my head has taken over and now I want to share my ideas and passion with you.
I love to come up with new ideas and new designs and I always have new patterns in the making.
If you have ideas, comments, or wishes I would love to hear from you! Send me an e-mail at: bianca.preuss@online.de
I hope you enjoy my desings. Happy knitting!