Black Cat Designs

Black Cat Designs
I love to design useful patterns and get my inspiration from the colors, patterns, and textures I see all around me. I am especially inspired by the color combinations I see when taking a hike through the mountains, or the textures of stonework while touring an old building, or the patterns in ancient masonry.
I’ve been designing knitting patterns and teaching for the last ten or so years. I work part time in a wine store and collect wine as a hobby. I love to cook (Mediterranean) and travel (international), as well as listen to classical music, but my first love is knitting. I dabble in weaving and spinning as well.
My patterns are available for free on Ravelry.
Felted Glasses Case and Make-up Bag - Pattern Six
Black Cat socks
Black Cat socks

- Felted Glasses Case and Make-up Bag - Pattern Six
- Black Cat socks
Felted Coin Purses - Pattern Three
Black Cat socks
Black Cat socks

- Felted Coin Purses - Pattern Three
- Black Cat socks