Brooke Snow

Brooke Snow
I’m a writer who loves to knit. Of course, it’s hard to get in the knitting mood when temps are in the 80’s and 90’s and I live in the deep south. I live for those first cool days of a Southern “autumn”. Makes me ache to pull the needles out of hiding.
Cables and Os
No Sheep For You: Knit Happy with Cotton, Silk, Linen, Hemp, Bamboo, and Other Delights
No Sheep For You: Knit Happy with Cotton, Silk, Linen, Hemp, Bamboo, and Other Delights

- Cables and Os
- No Sheep For You: Knit Happy with Cotton, Silk, Linen, Hemp, Bamboo, and Other Delights
Ballet Slippers & Mary Jane Footies
Beatknit Patterns
Beatknit Patterns

- Ballet Slippers & Mary Jane Footies
- Beatknit Patterns